CPAP.HK 衛家睡眠呼吸機專門店 - 旺角門市: 旺角彌敦道655號1701室 (港鐵旺角E1出口)
CPAP.HK Mongkok Shop: Unit 1701, 655 Nathan Road, Mongkok (Mongkok MTR, exit E1),電話Tel: 6645 8282
睡眠呼吸機 - 過濾棉
CPAP Filters
Some customer prefer generic filter than original filter due to its lower price
為保持睡眠呼吸機效能和衛生,即棄過濾棉應每 4 星期更換, 可清洗過濾棉應每 6 個月更換
To maintain the efficiency and hygiene in using CPAP device, the disposable filter should be replaced in every 4 weeks, while the washable filter should be replaced in every 6 months
代用過濾棉 Generic Filters
Generic filter is not only more affordable, but the quality and materials used have been strictly selected, which is very close to or the same as the original filter in terms of performance and quality